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Village Grocer Donates Food Supplies to Zoo Negara

Image from Free Malaysia Today
Image from Free Malaysia Today

Village Grocer donates food supplies to ease the burden of Zoo Negara in sustaining the animals under its care. The donation began on 8 April and will continue as an ongoing partnership.

“The arrangement is that the supplies are to be collected every alternate weekday for now as we do not know how much food is required for the animals. The food we offer will not cover all the animals because some of the items requested are beyond what we sell on a daily basis,” says Geoff King, chief executive officer of Village Grocer.

The decision came after Zoo Negara sent out a plea requesting for monetary and food donations from members of public. Zoo Negara is temporarily closed due to the movement control order and has lead to a huge drop in ticket sales. According to Zoo Negara Malaysia, they rely on ticket sales, membership sales, education programs, events revenue and donations to keep the operation running. This forces them to utilise their emergency fund to cover operating costs.

Members of public are also encouraged to contribute through the animal adoption package by Zoo Negara. The adoption package will be able to help the zoo in maintaining the animals’ annual food, enrichment and veterinary care.


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